Here's Rob with a couple of Savage Hot Babes (Sarah and Megan)
At first, I didn't know if Rob could match my imagination visually when it came to the screenplay.
I actually wrote him an email before I sent over the script and said, "Don't know if you can actually pull this off cuz I just let loose my imagination on this and went ape-shit."
Well, I guess Rob knows all about imaginational ape-shit, cuz he feel that he can pull off what I wrote.
SAVAGE HOT BABES ATTACK!!! is going to be set in "The Savage Hot Babe Universe" and will posit a time where all Deranged Huge Psychos have formed an army and are battling an army of Savage Hot Babes in an eternal struggle for world domination.
The goal here is to continually create parallel stories to the original SAVAGE HOT BABE MASSACRE! and develop an entire franchise.
Wanna invest in this?
You should.
It's damn cool.
This is something you should do.
We're seeking sponsors, investors, and anybody interested in this venture.
We also have a damn cool website and hours upon hours of content that will be uploaded at least three times a week.
You should click here ....
.... and see what we're talking about.
Okay, more news as I get it.
Keep reading and tell thousands of your friends or I'll send a Deranged Huge Psycho after you.
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